Raw Spinach Soup for Immune System Support

I'm sure you have heard of gazpacho, well this is a version of the cold soup with spinach, tomato and garlic. Everything is simply blended without heating.
Its Raw
This is a super soup for your immune and overall system. When we heat fruit and vegetables some of the nutrients are heat sensitive and are lost. Take tomatoes for example, heating a tomato reduces the vitamin C content by 10%.
Spinach is good to go both raw and cooked. Eating the leaves blended into soup or a smoothie maximises the availability of folate, vitamin C, niacin, riboflavin and potassium.
Blending both raw tomato and spinach maximises the vitamin C availability, one of the most important vitamins for immune health and function. Vitamin C stimulates immune cell production and activity. It helps certain cell lines protect from oxidative stress from pathogens. Vitamin C also regulates a specific immunological response called oxidative burst an additional immune response when faced with pathogens.
Garlic also contributes vitamin C and B. Many of Garlic's health benefits are also derived from sulfur compounds that are activated when the garlic clove is crushed. Allicin is one of most well known and you can reap maximum benefit from chewing raw garlic (hardcore) or blending it into a raw soup. These compounds are biologically active non water and fat soluble that contribute to Garlic's ant viral property. They leave the body once ingested via the respiratory tract and during this process can eliminate bugs and viruses that cling to the mucous membrane.
1/2 jar of passata or 2 cups of chopped tomato
1 chopped celery stalk
1 clove of garlic
4 cups of spinach
An avocado
Juice of an orange
Blend everything together until smooth. Season to taste and garnish with fresh basil.